Zone 12 Charity Event at American Muscle Car Museum: Save the Date – Sat, Nov 10, 2018
Category : News
Zone 12 Charity Event at American Muscle Car Museum in Melbourne, FL
Please mark your calendars for the chance to visit the American Muscle Car Museum (AMCM) in Melbourne, on Saturday afternoon, November 10. This is where Space Coast holds their Autocrosses, but you’ll actually get to go inside to see all the amazing cars, displays and classic automobilia. Zone 12 and Space Coast Region will host a charity event at this one-of-a-kind private collection.
AMCM is not open to the public, but they do open on special occasions to host non-profit fundraisers, car activities, and educational tours for school-age children. It’s a 123,000-square-foot complex that houses the personal collection of Mark Pieloch. Mark has been a car enthusiast for over 40 years and has amassed more than 250 cars, ranging from classic 1950s models to 1970s American muscle cars, to practically every color of Ford GT, to modern “sophisticated” muscle like a 2017 Shelby GT350R, and 14+ of the all-time most collectible Porsches.
Registration will be on ClubRegistration.net, starting in September. Attendance will be limited, and your charity donation will go toward a great cause. The Wabasso School is a special education center serving students ages 5-22. Students are provided specialized instruction, so they can not only achieve academic gains but also increase their social, emotional and behavioral skills. They work to develop communication, daily living, and occupational skills to integrate successfully into the real world.
Complete event details will be coming in late summer, such as lodging options, caravan plans and best travel routes, dining plans and other info. Please plan to take advantage of this great opportunity to visit this wonderful private car museum with some of your PCA friends, while also helping a worthwhile cause.
Visit www.americanmusclecarmuseum.com for more information.
Zone 12 Rep