Zone 12: Seeking Florida Club Racers for Parade Display
Category : News
Are you a PCA Club Racer who would like to display your racecar at Parade (or know someone who may)? Then we’re looking for you! The overall theme this year is “Racing Through the Years,” and we’ll be featuring historic racecars as well as a tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the 914.
This year’s Porsche Parade Concours will be featuring racecars in the Historics Display on Concours Monday, July 22nd. We’d like to invite several of our Florida Club Racers to participate for the day as well.
You don’t need to be a Parade registrant, though we hope you’re planning to register for Parade and have fun with us. Also, these racecars will not be entered into the judged part of the Concours, just display only.
To learn more, check this out: http://porscheparade.org/historic_display.html
If you’d like to display your Club Racing racecar, please contact the Historics Chair Lori Schutz (also a Club Race Scrutineer), at Zone4Rep@national.pca.org or call 972-890-7405.
Thanks for considering participating in the display!
Zone 12 Rep