Zone 12 News: Zonefest had to be canceled; Daytona Autocross registration is now open
Category : News
Third Time is the Charm: Zonefest has been Postponed until Memorial Day Weekend 2022 (May 27-29)
After closely monitoring the Melbourne area’s recent spike in COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations, the Zonefest Committee decided that it was safest to cancel our Zonefest event over Labor Day Weekend this year. But make sure to put Zonefest 2022 on your calendar for Memorial Day weekend.
Fortunately, Porsche Melbourne and the American Muscle Car Museum have been very supportive all along and agreed to sponsor/host this event again next year. We had to postpone last year’s Zonefest to this year – so now, the third time must be the charm!
Anyone who was registered for this year’s event and had already paid will receive full refunds through Club Registration. Please remember to cancel your hotel reservations at the Hilton (or elsewhere), as these will not automatically cancel. In addition, if you registered for this year’s event, you’ll receive a special reminder when 2022 registration opens early next year. On behalf of Space Coast Region, we look forward to seeing you all in May for Zonefest 2022!
Join in on the PCA Fun all year, wherever you are
Remember that as a member of PCA, please feel free to join in on other Regions events when you’re in the area. Unless a Region has a reason to limit attendance to only its members (such as for anniversary events), most events are open to all – and you’ll always feel welcomed at any Region’s event! This past weekend, we had members from 7 of our Regions in attendance at the Gold Coast Region’s Escape to the Cape event. It was a beautiful venue, with lots of happy PCA members enjoying time with their friends and families.
And also remember that you can be a member of more than one Region (whether here in Zone 12, “back home” up north, or anywhere else in PCA). Just call the National Office at 410-381-0911, and they’ll be able to help get you set up. And note that if you happen to live in the area of our newest Region, Gulfstream, and you’d like to become a member of that Region while remaining in Gold Coast too, just call the National Office. That way, you’ll receive all the communications from those particular Regions, and you’ll stay up to date about their events.
And the final good news is … registration for the OktoberFast Autocross is now open!
Just go to to sign up for the Autocross on the infield Kart track at Daytona. Enjoy watching the Club Race and Driver’s Ed on the high banks while you’re having fun at the Autocross!
The AX will be Saturday, October 23, and the cost is only $50 if you pre-register online. If you wait until the day of the event and register on-site, the cost will be $60. So, save yourself money and effort and register for the AX in ClubReg today! And don’t worry about payment now, because all registrants will pay at the event.
Stay safe and healthy, and I hope to see you at an event soon!
– Lisa
Lisa Lewis Koller
Zone 12 Rep