1st Quarter 2016 Events
Category : News
Zone 12 has many top level events in the 1st quarter of every year. 2016 started out with the Porsche Corral at the Daytona/Rolex race over January 28-31. The Corral has been a tradition for many years and provides a safe place to park your Porsche and enjoy the camaraderie of other PCA members or Porsche owners. This event offers a hospitality tent, with refreshments, a large screen TV, presentations and drawings for goodies. The land lease, tent, security and hospitality are funded entirely by PCA & Zone 12 regions & Peachstate region. What makes this event particularly special is the volunteers from participating regions that do everything from assistance with corral entrance & parking Porsches in neat rows, to registering tent entrants, to providing snacks and beverages, and set-up and tear down of all signs, banners,tables chairs ect. My thanks again to that fabulous group of volunteers that made the 2016 corral one of the best attended corrals in PCA history!
If that wasn’t enough, the following weekend, Gold Coast and Suncoast Regions put on the 1st and largest Club Race in the PCA schedule for 2016. This is four days of top level Porsche racing. In addition to the race group, the 48 hours at Sebring also offers Solo /DE sessions every day and a Zone Challenge Autocross on Saturday. Unlike the IMSA races ( 24 hours of Daytona and the 12 Hours of Sebring) there is no charge to park or watch the races. However the best deal is to volunteer and see the action up close at a station or on grid. Volunteers who serve at least 1 shift get a cool t-shirt, lunch and can attend the Friday night Hospitality party at no charge. Additionally, this event is a great way to mingle with fellow PCA members from all over the country and enjoy an event that is pure Porsche. Again, a dedicated group of volunteers plan and execute this race and its subsets thru many months of hard work and organization. This event is one of my personal favorites and hope some of you that are new members visit the 48hours at Sebring website,see the photos, videos and results for 2016 and past years and consider volunteering in 2017.
Coming up in mid March is the Porsche platz at the 12 hours of Sebring. So what’s the difference between the Platz in March and the Corral at the Daytona/Rolex you may ask??? While to the member these events may look very similar….a specific parking area for pass holders and hospitality tent, the funding for the Platz is provided by PCNA, while the Corral is funded by Zone 12 regions, PCA and Peachstate Region. . The 12 Hours of Sebring is another historic race that draws top teams from all over the world to compete in one of the most exciting races of the year. Attending the 12 hours at Sebring and visiting the hospitality tent gives you an opportunity to cheer on our Porsche teams with other Porsche fans and be there at ground zero. Volunteering can enhance that experience and provide greater opportunity to meet Porsche owners from across the country. We are seeking to fill 6 work shifts at this year’s PorschePlatz. If you have staffed the Platz in prior years, and want to help out again, please give us a call and join team Platz 2016. Newcomers are also welcome so please call for details and shift availability. A schedule is soon to come.
Friday (March 18th) 3 shifts and Saturday (March 18th) 3 shifts call Steve/Dottie 954 946-3196 to volunteer.
Remember PCA is fueled by volunteers….get involved , help out and enjoy your club
Our newest region in Zone 12, the Florida Thoroughbred region asked I spread the word about the following event…Porsche of Ocala is sponsoring the Live Oak International 2016 combined driving, dressage and jumping equine event this year. the URL is https://liveoakinternational.com/ Thoroughbred region would like to invite the entire zone 12 membership to come and join them on Sunday,February 28th for a Porsche only car corral for the event. They will have some raffle prizes and members will enjoy a great Sunday of fun, watching the horses perform and driving their Porsche’s into the Ocala horse country area and back. If you need further details, call John Green 352 414-8236….BTW…Thoroughbred will be hosting Zonefest 2017 so this will give you an opportunity to preview this part of Florida.