Hello from Zone 12!
Category : News
Welcome to Zone 12
First of all let me introduce myself as the new Zone 12 Representative. I have met many of you over the past 44 years that I have been a member of PCA and hope to meet many more over the coming years. As your Zone Representative, I will be assisting the 10 Regions in Zone 12 in any way I can. Zone 12 encompasses all of Florida, bits of Mississippi and Alabama, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. While I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area and am a member of Gold Coast Region, my duties as Zone Rep will keep me traveling throughout the zone, visiting all regions at least once a year and some multiple times. I hope to be as accessible as possible to all Region Presidents and their boards, working to make Zone 12 the top Zone in PCA!
And welcome to the Zone 12 website
– Steve Kidd, Zone 12 Representative