Bob Wilson Memorial Autocross, Tallahassee – Sat, March 24
Category : News
If you’ll be in Tallahassee on 3/24, or can make the trip that weekend, please join the North Florida Region (NFL) for the Bob Wilson Memorial Autocross. As you are probably aware, Bob was the President of the NFL Region, and he died unexpectedly on February 10th. He and the NFL Region put a lot of effort into planning this AX, and Bob would have wanted it to be fun and successful. So, let’s do our best to support the North Florida Region and participate, while we celebrate Bob’s memory.
Thanks for your support of this event – we hope a lot of you from other Regions can come over to have fun and get to know the great folks of the North Florida Region.
For more information and to pre-register, go to and search for North Florida Region PCA – NFL Region AutoX March 24, 2018.
Location: The AX will be held at 1528 Surgeons Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308, in the rear parking lot behind the Ghazvini Center for Health Care Education.
Pre-registration closes on ClubReg on March 21, 2018. Onsite registration opens at 8:00 AM on March 24th and payment will be made onsite. Make checks payable to PCA North Florida Region. The fee for PCA Members is $25 (please bring your membership card), or $35 for Non-PCA Members. Non-Porsches are welcome to join in the fun.
Please see the flyer here –