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Zone 12: Virtual Car Show Friday Night (May 15)

Category : News

Pretty Cars in America … sometimes the simplest things can really make you smile. While you’re doing your part to abide by guidelines and stay safely socially distanced, do you miss seeing all the pretty Porsches we always see at our PCA events?

We’re all trying to adjust to our new “virtual” world these days, and in the Club, we’re setting up virtual car shows and get-togethers. Tomorrow night (May 15) at 7:30 ET, all of Zone 12 is invited to a Virtual Car Show, hosted by Gold Coast Region’s Webmaster and Social Media Chair, Ian Gerada.

It will be an informal get-together: You can tell us some interesting stories about your car or simply show it to us in the driveway or sitting in the garage. If your car has a name, then, of course, let us know!

This will be a Zoom meeting, so if you don’t already have a Zoom account, sign up now: https://zoom.us/ (go to the “SIGN UP, IT’S FREE” button in the upper right). Then you can easily register for the meeting in advance.

Here’s the meeting info:

When: Friday (tomorrow!), May 15, 2020, 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting (limited to 300 attendees): https://us02web.zoom.us/ meeting/register/ tZEtcOipqDssHtUri0kVriVLU0q-_ EygJj1F

After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Ian will be our entertaining host, and we all look forward to getting together with you and your wonderful cars!

Stay safe, healthy and happy!

PCA Zone 12 Rep