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Zone 12 PCA: Drive-In Movie Night Oct 17; Also, Reminder About Sebring Ticket Exchange

Category : News

We made it to another week! We’re slowly making strides toward getting back to normal, and that includes some successful, limited-attendance driving and social events over the past several weeks. Great job by all the Region teams who have planned and led these fun events!

Now, get ready to enjoy our first “large” and safely socially distanced event. Join Everglades Region for a Porsche night out, while you stay “in” your ride at the drive-in. Come hang out with us on Saturday, October 17, for a private showing of “Ford v Ferrari” at the Collier County Fairgrounds Drive-In in Naples.

Bring your chairs, blankets, and refreshments and enjoy your socially distanced parking spot, next to 150 of your PCA friends. The cost is $40 per car, with half of that going to a local charity. PCA members only.

Register today on ClubRegistration.net:

Registration closes October 12.

Last Chance to Exchange Sebring Tickets for Next Year’s Race (March 17-20, 2021)

I just wanted to send another reminder that we will not have a Porscheplatz tent (PCA hospitality) at the Sebring race in November. The track will still have the Porsche and Corvette Corrals set up in the traditional location, but “we” (PCA) will not have a presence there or need Volunteers to run the corral. But please save up your energy to again Volunteer at the March 2021 Sebring Race, when we’ll be back out there at our normal Porscheplatz spot (hopefully)!

If you already have your tickets for this year, but you can’t make it in November, remember you can exchange your tickets for the March 2021 race. Simply mail your tickets/parking pass to the ticket office by October 15, per their instructions:

“If you already purchased tickets and parking for the 2020 Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring and you are unable to attend the Nov. 11-14, 2020 event, you can return your tickets and parking passes by October 15 and receive a full credit toward tickets to the March 17-20, 2021 event.  To receive a full credit, return your tickets and parking passes to:

Sebring International Raceway
Ticket Department
113 Midway Drive
Sebring, FL 33870”

The track’s return policy applies to all tickets, not just our Porscheplatz packages. Keep checking their website for ongoing updates regarding the overall race situation:


And don’t forget these other upcoming Region events …

October 3: Sonnenschein is having a fun run through Mississippi back roads, ending with lunch at a nice place in Ocean Springs. Registration closes this Thursday, the 1st.

October 3: Space Coast will have an Autocross in Melbourne. Registration closes tomorrow, the 30th.

October 3: Puerto Rico Region will have a DE. Registration closes this Thursday, the 1st.

October 24: Thoroughbred will have a Drive & Dine to Yankeetown, FL and the Blackwater Restaurant.

Oct 31-Nov 1: Gold Coast is having their DE at Homestead. Local restrictions have been lifted, so if you’ve already registered, please sign in now and pay. Spots are still available for students, as well as solo drivers.

November 8: Suncoast will have an Autocross in Brooksville.

November 29: Citrus will have a Drive & Dine to Hurricane Dockside in Tavares.

Keep checking your Region’s website or email updates to find out what’s being planned. We’re going to make it through this year, we really are! Hope to see some of you out and about at these events soon — and at even more events, as we move into the holiday season.

Stay safe and healthy!

PCA Zone 12 Rep



Zone 12 Region sites

Everglades: https://egs.pca.org/
Florida Citrus: https://flc.pca.org/
Florida Crown: https://www.pcafcr.org/
Florida Thoroughbred: http://www.floridapca.org/
Gold Coast: https://www.goldcoastregion.org/
North Florida: http://nfl.pca.org/
Sonnenschein: https://son.pca.org/
Space Coast: https://spc.pca.org/
Suncoast: https://suncoastpca.org/
Puerto Rico: https://www.facebook.com/PCAPuertoRico/

Reminder about our Driver’s Ed Instructor’s Schools in the fall (along with DEs the same weekend). If you’ve ever considered becoming an instructor, please attend – and of course, the knowledge and ongoing training is great for current instructors.

October 9: Citrus Instructor School and Solo Driver Day at Roebling (Savannah)

October 10-11: Citrus DE at Roebling (all run groups)

November 20-22: Suncoast Instructor School at Sebring, 20th-21st; DE on Sunday the 22nd (all run groups)