Volunteers still needed at Werks Reunion – please help out!
Category : News
Hi! If you’re planning to be at Werks Reunion this year, will you please give back a couple of hours to help the organizers keep things running? This year we’ll have more attendees than ever, but our Volunteer brigade is running a bit low right now.
Especially, if you’re in the Jacksonville area and can help out on the day of Werks (Friday, May 21), or on the day before (May 20), please contact Dora Barren ASAP at dorabob@comcast.net or 904-613-545.
Although the main event is to be held on Friday, May 21, volunteers will also be needed on the set-up day, which is Thursday, May 20. If you’ll be at Werks, please help out if you can!
There are a few different ways you could help:
Thursday (day before Werks)
Bag Stuffing – this activity is when all the goody bags for the entrants of the judged and corral parking are filled with the “good stuff” as in the previous event. They need at least 12 people.
Signage – setup and place as much of the event’s signage as possible on Thursday. They need 3 people.
Judged Field setup – laying out or marking the position of the judged Porsches for Friday’s concours. They need 4 people.
Corral Field setup – laying out or marking the positions of the Porsches parking in the corral area of the field. They need 3 people.
Miscellaneous – there are other tasks that need help setting up.
Friday, at Werks
Will Call – this is at the entry drive into the Amelia River Golf Club; assist registered entrants who have not picked up their credentials. They need at least 6 people for different shifts.
Signage – place the remaining event signs out onto the field prior to the event starting time. They need 3 people.
Volunteer Check-in – assist with checking volunteers in for their work shift. They need 2 people.
Corral Parking – check pre-registered Porsches into corral parking and to help park the Porsches in the corral. This usually takes at least 16 people, (8 morning shift and 8 afternoon).
Concours – check pre-registered Porsches onto the judge field and to assist with parking / staging the Porsches. They need as many as they can get, at least 20. Preferably people who can recognize the different classes.
Trophy / Awards Stage – assist with displaying and presentation of trophies to award winners. They need 2 people.
Please contact Dora Barren, volunteer chairperson – dorabob@comcast.net or 904-613-5453 if you can volunteer for this National PCA event.
PCA will be requesting masks to be worn and COVID restriction to be in place and waivers to be completed online with this link SpeedWaiver link: https://pcanational.speedwaiver.com/nvjax BEFORE YOU COME TO HELP.
National PCA would appreciate it if our local Region and Zone members step up to make this event successful! Please help out a bit, if you can.
Lisa Lewis Koller
Zone 12 Rep