Upcoming – Zonefest and DE’s
Category : News
Thanks to our Volunteers…..Zonefest….Upcoming DE’s…..More
First of all big thanks to those members that volunteered to work the Sebring PorschePlatz over the March 17-18 weekend. Your efforts are truly appreciated and big events like these rely on dedicated volunteers to get things done. While the final numbers are not in yet, my gut suggests Zone 12 volunteers registered a record number of members coming thru the tent, and electronically signed up some new members who joined using the membership I-pads provided by PCA National.
ZONEFEST 2017…..Looking for a Parade style event without the trip to Spokane Washington? Zonefest 2017 is Memorial Day weekend, May 26-28, in beautiful, hilly Tallahassee! It’ll be a 3-day, multi-event weekend including an Autocross, Concours, Gimmick Rally, Driving or Waling Tour of the local area, Tech Quiz and lots of time for socializing, dining, awards, and prizes!
Registration is only $135/adult and $60/child, and covers participation / attendance at ALL driving/vehicle events, the Tech Quiz, TWO group dinners and TWO socials! The host hotel is the DoubleTree Hotel in downtown Tallahassee. Note that the Group package expires at Midnight on the 25th of April, 2017. Book your hotel room(s) today at http://doubletree.hilton.com/en/dt/groups/personalized/T/THLAPDT-PSA-20170525/index.jhtml
Registration for Zonefest is open on ClubRegistration.net, and closes May 15: Search on club registration using keyword Zonefest……The Zone 12 website is updated regularly with Zonefest information so check often and/or view full details on the North Florida Region’s website:http://nfl.pca.org/zonefest_2017.htm….Also Zonefest Sponsor opportunities are still available…See the attached link for details Attachment: http://emailer3.pca.org:80/UploadFiles/ZFAdSheetFINAL321711.pdf
DRIVER EDUCATION.…Springtime offers the perfect opportunity to enjoy your Porsche and cool weather on a racetrack
Some of the PCA regions offering DE events in April include, but are not limited to:
April1 & 2….Suncoast Region at Sebring…See region website for details or contact the DE registrar
April 29-30….Gold Coast Region at Homestead…Plenty of space left for Students and instructors. See region website for details
Register and Pay on clubregistration.net…find the event by date search or by region
Mark your calendars for these other Z12 events ….Lots more details available on the Z12 website as the dates get closer… Saturday July 29th, The Larry Wilson Collection Tour. We expect the 150 slots to sell out very quickly, however, to guarantee a slot. Register for Zonefest as Zonefest participants will be given right of first refusal. Located near PBIR in Palm Beach County this collection is right up there with the Collier and Brumos. \
October 27-29 Oktoberfast is back at Daytona. A different weekend but the same great activities you experienced last year…An Autocross, Driver Education (Solo and instructors only) Club race and GT4 clubsport final race
Hoping to see many of you at Zonefest
Steve Kidd
Zone 12 Representative